Registration for Launch Leadership’s 2025 Summer Leadership Workshop OPENS jANUARY 23RD

Check out the step-by-step Screenshot Guide to Registration now so you know exactly what to expect when you register.

Keep scrolling to find information on scholarships, waitlists, and refunds/cancellations below.

We understand the stress of securing a spot as registration opens. One rule of thumb with our registration system, Enrollsy, is that once you have started entering your information, Enrollsy will hold your spot(s) for 30 minutes, meaning you do not need to rush through inputting student information. This also means anyone registering more than one student can do so using only one device. In fact, using multiple devices to secure spots can slow things down.

Below, you can find a list of all the information needed for registration, and you can get an in-depth look at our waivers and agreements.


To expedite your registration process, make sure you know the following or have this information on hand:

  • Emergency Contact Name & Phone Number

  • Family Physician Name & Phone Number

  • Health Insurance Provider & Policy Number

  • Student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) - if applicable

  • Any additional health concerns that may affect the student’s participation in any way, and/or any disability accommodations Launch Leadership should provide during Workshop

  • Student’s Prescribed Medications

  • Student’s Allergies and/or Dietary Restrictions

If you’re applying for a scholarship, we will also need to know:

  • Household Gross Income on your 2024 OR 2023 taxes (estimate, if needed)

  • Number of dependents included in your 2024 OR 2023 taxes

  • After registration is completed, you will be asked to upload a paystub or tax form (with sensitive information blacked out) so we can verify your income


When you register for Workshop, there are a few waivers and term agreements we require. Here’s the text from each so you may consider them ahead of time:

Medical Waiver: I agree, individually and on behalf of the Minor (if applicable), to release and hold harmless Launch Leadership, Inc., its agents, officers, directors, and employees from liability of any kind, for Minor’s illness, injury, death, or damage to property, that may be sustained by the Minor while at Workshop.

Attendance: In order for a delegate to reserve their spot at a Launch service, they must be willing and able to attend the service in its entierity. Launch will not accept late arrivals to their service more than 8 hours after the close of check-in ad will not permit early departures more than 8 hours before check out. Exceptions may apply on a case-by-case basis. Launch Leadership reserve the right to refuse a refund in the event of noncompliance with this policy

Acknowledgement of Refund Policy: I acknowledge, individually and on behalf of the Minor (if applicable), that Launch Leadership will retain the $50 deposit of the registration payment in the event of a refund. If this registration is canceled two (2) weeks prior to my selected event date, I may receive a full refund of the registration fee, minus the $50 deposit. If this registration is canceled within two (2) weeks of the selected event, I acknowledge that I will not receive any refund, full or partial.

Student Agreement: As a student leader and a representative of my school, I agree, on behalf of the Minor (if applicable), that the Minor will abide by all delegate guidelines and will act in a way that reflects positively on the Minor and their school. Additionally, I agree to communicate honestly about my residence, vaccination/quarantine status, and health prior to and at Workshop. I acknowledge that failure to follow Launch's guidelines as they are communicated to me can result in expulsion from Workshop without return of registration payment.

Health and Safety: Launch Leadership aims to minimize transmission of the coronavirus (COVID-19), influenza, and any other dangerous transmittable virus at its Services. CDC approved vaccinations have been found to be safe and effective in reducing the risk of transmission. Therefore, Launch Leadership reserves the right to require proof of vaccination for students and staff who anticipate participation its Services. In the event an individual is not vaccinated against COVID-19, influenza, or any other dangerous transmittable virus, Launch Leadership reserves the right to require proof of a negative test result for COVID-19, influenza, or any other dangerous transmittable virus by an official clinical laboratory or an approved diagnostic or screening test location. The test(s) shall be taken within a specific period of time as determined by the Executive Director, Workshop Director, and/or Services Director. By registering for Summer Workshop, I certify that I will comply with this policy and cooperate with Launch Leadership if such requests are communicated to me. In the event of noncompliance, I acknowledge and understand (1) this registration may be canceled for this Service, and (2) depending on the facts and circumstances, I may not be entitled to a monetary refund due to my noncompliance with this policy.

Closed Campus: Launch Leadership services shall take place on a closed campus. A closed campus shall mean that no unauthorized individual may enter or depart from campus without the consent of Launch Leadership, or any agent therein. Launch Leadership reserves the right to refuse delivery, at the cost of the purchaser, for any products, supplies, food, etc. to any delegate or volunteer staff on campus while the service is in place. 

Medicine Administration Waiver: Select one of the below options.

  • Launch Leadership may administer medication (other than those noted as medications to which the student is allergic) without express parent/guardian permission.

  • Launch Leadership may NOT administer any medication without express parent/guardian permission.

  • Please note: Launch has professional medical staff present for the entirety of Workshop and any/all medications go through them. If a student requires anything greater than an over-the-counter painkiller (Advil, Ibuprofen, etc.), antacid, antihistamine, etc. we accompany them to the nearest hospital and get in immediate contact with parents/guardians

Media Release: Select one of the below options.

  • I agree to the use of my student’s image and/or voice in future public relations and marketing materials to promote Launch Leadership.

  • I DO NOT agree to the use of my student’s image and/or voice in future public relations and marketing materials to promote Launch Leadership.

  • Please note: If you select no, we will likely follow up with you. We are happy to blur students out of photos as needed, but we’ve found this choice can have an adverse effect on students’ Workshop experience.


After you complete registration, you should receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email within an hour of completing registration, please check your spam folder, then contact us at A member of our registration team will check your registration status and get back to you within 24-48 hours.


If you are applying for a scholarship, the upfront cost to reserve your Workshop spot is $0. When you register, you will have the option to apply for a scholarship, as shown to the right.

All of our scholarships are need-based. For this reason, when you apply for a scholarship, we will need to know your household’s gross income from your 2024 OR 2023 taxes (estimate, if needed) and the number of dependents included in your 2024 OR 2023 taxes. You will be asked to upload either a paystub or your tax document (with sensitive information blacked out) so we can verify your need.

Once we receive your scholarship application and your uploaded income verification document, we will let you know within a week if you qualify for a full scholarship, half scholarship, or if you do not qualify for a scholarship.

If you do not qualify for a scholarship or if you qualify for a half scholarship, we will email you about how you’d like to pay for the full or partial Workshop cost. We can help you set up a payment plan at that time, if needed.


Payment plans are available to anyone who needs them. At the bottom of the “Program Selection” section of the registration form, you can select the payment plan option. This brings the price down to only the $50 deposit at the time of registration. After that point, you will be responsible for making payments each month.


Our July Workshop for 2025 is currently sold out. We do have a few spots left in our Workshop running June 17th-21st so if those dates work, you can secure your spot following the steps above.

If our June dates do not work for you, you can enter our waitlist for July.  This no-money down option secures you a spot in line to be notified when/if a spot opens up. You will not be charged unless you are moved off the waitlist, in which case we will let you know ahead of time.

If you would like to remove yourself from the waitlist or have any questions, please contact us at


As part of our registration process, a non-refundable $50 deposit is required.  If you registered for June Workshop, you can receive a refund of your payment (minus the $50 non-refundable deposit) until June 3, 2024. If you registered for July Workshop, you can receive a refund of your payment (minus the $50 non-refundable deposit) until July 1, 2024.  To cancel your registration, send an email to

If you are cancelling your registration due to a contagious illness (positive COVID-19 test or exposure, flu symptoms, etc.), please let us know and we will work with you on a case-by-case basis.

Not finding what you’re looking for? Check out our Workshop FAQ and the step-by-step Screenshot Guide to Registration. For other information, email our Workshop Director, Bridget Besse, at Registration-specific questions can be sent to